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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Baby sitter & Daycare centre?

Hamizan sekarang ada di kampung... my parent takecare of him.. actually i want to bring him back to KL.. but a few reason given by my parent so i decide to leave him for a while..

the main reason is who will take care of him while me & my husband going out for work? Should we find a baby sitter & send my baby to daycare centre?

Lately, byk bad news pasal baby with babysitter/daycare centre/maid yang kena dera @ tak dapat makan @ sakit & etc yang merungsingkan parent sekarang... some young couple who just married refuse to have baby just for these reason. takut baby kena dera...

Actually .. kita tak boleh assume semua bad things can happen. sometimes we need to realize even we do everthing the best for our kids.. the risk still there... whether our kids with us @ not. it depends on the situation.

I hope to get some point of view on this issue.. baby sitter @ daycare? i beleive some of us ada they own reason why they send their children to babysitter @ daycare centre.. every parent want the best for the children right?

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