I love my family

Love your life

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My last day in Labuan

Wahhh seronoknyer... akhirnya boleh balik KL.... petang tadi shopping coklat yg dipesan kawan2.. untuk penggemar coklat.... selain dari Langkawi, coklat di Labuan pun murah berbanding di KL.. sakan la makan coklat yer.. tapi jangan makan banyak2.. nnti kena cabut gigi macam saya.. oppsss
Lupa pulak, balik KL.. terus ada appointment dengan doktor gigi.. kena cabut sebab dah berlubang tak leh tampal.. ni pasal coklat la ni... ( salahkan coklat jugak.hehehe)
Ok, nak packing barang pulak sbb flight esok awal pagi pukul 7.45am.. kena check-out hotel awal2 pagi..
Mizan.... mama's coming home soon.. rindunyer

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Belajar dan belajar

Baru jer baca blog eyriqazz (http://www.eyriqazz.com)... belajar macam mana nak start blog. adui.. rupanye banyak saya tak tau pasal blog ni.. sebelum ni just baca blog orang lain jer...
blog mereka menarik ( tak macam blog saya yang sempoi giler)... banyak issue & info yang berguna.. best kan?
Nanti saya nak update few bloggers yang selalu saya ikut . Kita share sama2

Baby sitter & Daycare centre?

Hamizan sekarang ada di kampung... my parent takecare of him.. actually i want to bring him back to KL.. but a few reason given by my parent so i decide to leave him for a while..

the main reason is who will take care of him while me & my husband going out for work? Should we find a baby sitter & send my baby to daycare centre?

Lately, byk bad news pasal baby with babysitter/daycare centre/maid yang kena dera @ tak dapat makan @ sakit & etc yang merungsingkan parent sekarang... some young couple who just married refuse to have baby just for these reason. takut baby kena dera...

Actually .. kita tak boleh assume semua bad things can happen. sometimes we need to realize even we do everthing the best for our kids.. the risk still there... whether our kids with us @ not. it depends on the situation.

I hope to get some point of view on this issue.. baby sitter @ daycare? i beleive some of us ada they own reason why they send their children to babysitter @ daycare centre.. every parent want the best for the children right?

Sharing blog


Salam... saya tak tau mcm mana nak link kat blog ni.. tp kalau nak tgk blog2 menarik.. boleh refer kat blog ni


Monday, July 12, 2010

1 day in Labuan

Isnin... day 1 in Labuan
Actually datang Labuan atas urusan kerja.. Waktu pagi di Labuan agak mendung .. tapi akan beransur panas sebab lokasi berdekatan Laut.
the biggest hotel in Labuan is Grand Dorsett.. Can be assumed as the most luxury hotel in here...
I don't want to tell about my work.. just want to share some story about Labuan. ( but until now.. i've no time to go around this island...)
For those who loved spicy food... maybe they will find so difficult to eat coz people in Labuan didn't take spicy food... No "cili api" here....
For those likes fastfood.. thank God because these restaurant just opened few months ago. ( last time i came Labuan.. the only fast food restaurant is KFC.
As free tax duty area as Langkawi Island, you can buy a lot of chocolate coz it was so cheap... for liqour, most of my non-Muslim friends bought a lot coz they told me it was cheap....
To be continue... got some work to do

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My Hamizan: Nasi Ayam

My Hamizan: Nasi Ayam

My Baby Development ( 3 months 4 weeks)- info for share

How your baby's growing
When you place her on her stomach, your baby will lift her head and shoulders high, using her arms for support. This mini push-up helps strengthen her muscles and gives her a better view of what's going on. She may even amaze you (and herself!) by rolling from her back to her front, or vice versa. You can encourage this skill through play. Wiggle a toy next to the side she customarily rolls to in case she's interested enough to try again. Applaud her efforts and smile. She may need your reassurance since her new skill can be frightening - info from www.babycenter.com.my

Monday, June 28, 2010

Nasi Ayam

Yum.. yum .. nasik ayam..

Kat mana2 ada jer orang jual nasik ayam..
Pasar malam, gerai2, restoran mahal , food court.. nasik ayam wajib ada..

Makanan yang senang order jer terus siap & sedap. Kalau sesiapa yang rajin memasak. Boleh try resepi di bawah ni.. mak saya yang ajar.. banyak kali jgk la try baru menjadi tp semestinyer tak sesedap masakan ibu.. sayang mamaku Naviyah.

Bahan2 masakan.
  • Ayam
  • Beras
  • Halia muda
  • Garam
  • Bawang putih
  • Bawang Merah
  • Serai diketuk
  • Daun Pandan
  • Lada hitam
  • Kicap pekat
  • Madu
  • Cili Api
  • Gula Melaka
  • Belacan
  • Asam jawa
  • Marjerin
  • Ulam2 spt timun & salad

Cara masak

  • Masukkan halia yang dah diketuk kedalam perut ayam
  • rebus ayam sampai mendidih, jgn lupa letak garam
  • basuh beras, toskan
  • hiris halia, bawang putih , bawang merah
  • tumis bahan2 yg dihiris tadi bersama serai dgn menggunakan marjerin sampai naik bau
  • masukkan beras , tumis sampai naik bau
  • masukkan beras tadi kedalam periuk , masukkan air rebusan ke dalam periuk berisi beras tadi ( agak2 sukatan air rebusan supaya nasi masak tak terlalu lembik @ keras)
  • potong ayam yg direbus tadi. ... asingkan bahagian utk dibuat sup @ goreng ( biasa mak saya amik bahagian leher , kaki & isi2 utk bahan sup)
  • perap bahagian ayam yg nak digoreng ngan kicap , madu , bawang merah & halia yg telah ditumbuk ( jgn letak kicap banyak sgt)
  • Goreng ayam yg diperap tadi
  • lebihan bahan ayam perap tadi , masukkan ke dalam sup
  • tumbuk cili api , garam , kicap , gula melaka , belacan + asam jawa untuk buat sambal.
  • siapkan ulam2

dan akhirnyer, nasik siap utk dimakan..

selamat mencuba..